Fossavatnsgangan main race

Skráning er hafin fyrir gönguna 2025

Nú er rétti tíminn til að setja sér markmið fyrir komandi vetur!

Hápunktur skíðagöngutímabilsins

Æfingaáætlunin, hvort sem þú ert trimmari eða keppnismanneskja, gengur út á að vera í besta forminu í Fossavatnsgönguvikunni. Að göngunni lokunni er kaffihlaðborð og að loknu fiskihlaðborði er slegið upp balli til að fagna árangrinum

Elsta skíðamót á landinu

Fyrst var keppt árið 1935 og síðan þá hefur Fossavatnsgangan verið stærsta skíðagöngumót hvers árs og Ísafjörður miðstöð skíðagöngu.

Áskorun fyrir alla

50 km gangan á laugardeginum er megingangan, en einnig er keppt í styttri vegalengdum, göngu með frjálsri aðferð og næturgöngu. Allir geta, óháð getu, fundið sér áskorun við hæfi.

Aldrei aflýst vegna snjóleysis

Göngunni hefur aldrei verið aflýst vegna snjóleysis enda alltaf hægt að finna snjó á heiðum.


35 and 70 km

April 9, 2025


25 km

April 10, 2025


12,5, 25 and 50 km

April 12, 2025


Weather stations and forecast

Fossavatnsgangan owns three weatherstations at HeiðinNónvatnand Miðfellsháls.

Icelandic Met Office has a weather station at ski stadium Seljalandsdalur(the station is called Seljalandsdalur skíðaskáli in their systems). You could also want to get some indication from mount Þverfjall, although this mountain is higher and windier than the Fossavatnsgangan route.

The met office's forecast for the surrounding fjords can be seen here.

Ýmsar upplýsingar


Fossavatnsgangan samanstendur af mörgum viðburðum frá miðvikudegi til laugardags.

Race office

Edinburgh House is home to the tournament's office. There you can pick up a number and shop in the walk's sponsors' convenience stores.


Historic race

Fossavatnsgangan is steeped in history. All Icelandic cross country skiers and many foreign ones have taken on the challenge.


Price list

Here you can find prices for our events. Remember that all of the proceedings go to support local sport and culture clubs.


Ferðalög og gisting

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études Architectural Solutions.

Rules and disclaimers

Here you can find the rules for the race and check out what is supposed to be in the 50 km backpack.



When going to Saturday competition everybody takes a bus. You bib is your ticket and it is included in the registration.



You can find the race results here in real time and see how fare your friend has skied.

Results in realtime | Results database

Who are registered

See results in real time



Pictures from 2024

Fossavatnsgangan is part of four series


Seven cross-country races around the country. Collect points by participating in as many as possible.


International series of cross-country skiing competitions. Take part in 10 races and become a Worldloppet Champion.

Ski Classics

Sixty ski races where dozens of professional teams compete alongside amateurs of all abilities.


Four regions and four sports. Skiing, cycling, cross-country running and swimming.