Allar myndir til sölu

All photos for sale

Ágúst Atlason and his family are the family photographers of the Fossavatnsgang. All the photos they took are available on the website, where you can buy the photos in high resolution.
Kitti Muggs, minning

In memory of Kitti Muggs

Kristján Rafn Guðmundsson, Kitti Muggs, will be buried today, Friday, April 19. He was a skier from the great skiing family of Grænagard and first got on skis at the age of four. After that there was no turning back. Competitions, training and various skiing...

Waxing service

Two parties offer fertilizer services for the Fossavatnsgängin. Fjordhub offers self-service, while Einar Birkir and Sveinbjörn offer full service. The use of fluorine fertilizers is prohibited according to international regulations. If you offer fertilizer services, you may...
Hertz er styrktaraðili Fossavatnsgöngunnar

Hertz is a sponsor of the Fossavatnsgangan

Fossavatnsgangan is one of the most significant ski competitions in Iceland, which has a long and rich history. It is part of a growing group of cross-country skiing events that attract both amateur and professional athletes from all over the world. The competition, which takes place in a beautiful and sometimes brutal landscape...
Sveinbjörn og Grétar Smári sigruðu NæturFossavatnið

Sveinbjörn and Grétar Smári won Fossavatnsgangan Night Race

NæturFossavatnid took place on the 27th of March and the night of the 28th. The walk took place in chilly but beautiful conditions at Seljalandsdal. Winners in a 35 km walk 1. Sveinbjörn Orri Heimisson and Grétar Smári Samúelsson 2. Eythór Freyr Árnason and Hjalti Böðvarsson 3. Daníel...