Fossavatnsgangan coming up

Fossavatnsgangan is just around the corner. Our team has been working day and night to ensure that the race can go ahead despite warm weather and less snow that we would have wanted. At a race-committee meeting yesterday, the following was decided:

• The race will go ahead as planned.

The start and finish will be at their usual place, Seljalandsdalur

• The 50 km race will be shortened to around 46 km (one loop)

• The 25 km race (skate and classic) will be approximately 24 km

• The 12.5 km race will be around 9 km.

• The 5 km race (on Thursday) will be 4 km.

The starting times have been altered a little bit:


• 25 km skate and 5 km classic will start at 17:00

• 1 km will start at 17:15


• The start for 50 km will be open 08:00-08:30

• The start for 25 km will be open 08:30-09:00

Click the link below to read our Race Magazine.

Newest information will be added to our Facebook page first and then here on the website.

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All photos for sale

Ágúst Atlason and his family are the family photographers of the Fossavatnsgang. All the photos they took are available on the website, where you can buy the photos in high resolution.

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