Fertilizer advice / Waxing recommendations

The big moment is approaching! It is a tradition to issue fertilizer recommendations for the marches on Saturday, and this year is no exception.

Bob's fertilizer advice

Bobbi, Kristbjörn Róbert Sigurjónsson, has participated in the Fossavatn walk over 20 times since 1996. He recommends:

  • One layer of Chola for the base (thin layer, ironed)
  • One round of TLine KM3 or Multi Grade K76 (thin layer)
  • A thin layer under the toe of the TLine KR3 T or Rossa K40

Sævar's Fertilizer Board

Sævar Birgisson is a former member of the national team in cross-country skiing and competed for Iceland at the Olympic Games in Sochi. He recommends:

  • Toko green to the core
  • A mix of Toko red and yellow

Stevens Fertilizer Council (Swix)

Steven Gromatka was a long-time coach at Skiðafélag Ísfirðinga and is now head coach at Ulli in Reykjavík, as well as working at Everest, Swix's agent in Iceland.

  • Swix primer (thin layer)
  • Swix Universal (thin layer)
  • Swix Nero KN33 (under the toe)

Our expert waxing recommendations for the Saturday race are here!

Bobbi's recommendations

Kristbjörn Róbert Sigurjónsson, or Bobbi as he's better known, has competed in Fossavatnsgangan over 20 times. He recommends:

  • Base: Chola (thin layer, ironed)
  • One thin layer of TLine KM3 or Multi Grade K76
  • One thin layer of TLine KR3 T or Rossa K40 under the toh

Sævar's recommendations

Sævar Birgisson represented Iceland at the Winter Olympics in Sochi. He recommends:

  • Base: Toko Green
  • Mix of Toko Red and Toko Yellow

Steven's recommendations

Steven Gromatka coached the Ísafjörður ski-team for years and is now head coach for Ullur in Reykjavík. He also works at the sport store Everest, the agent of Swix in Iceland.

  • Swix base (thin layer)
  • Swix Universal (thin layer)
  • Swix Nero KN33 (under the toe)

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Ágúst Atlason and his family are the family photographers of the Fossavatnsgang. All the photos they took are available on the website Gusti.is, where you can buy the photos in high resolution.

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