Weather information April 1st / Weather Forecast April 1st

Weather outlook for the next few days at an altitude of 300–750 m

Friday April 1st
Light and changing direction until noon. Wind increases steadily in the afternoon and starts to snow or sleet in the afternoon above 500 m. Lower down, precipitation will be less than in the form of rain or sleet. Wind 7–10 m/s at 15. Continued gale and gale until evening.

Saturday, April 2
Southerly direction, 5 – 8 m/s around 8 o'clock but will slow down in the morning. Light winds in the afternoon. Slight showers or sleet until noon but mostly dry but cloudy in the afternoon.
Temperature in Seljalandsdal around +3 to +5 all day and +1 to +3 at the top. The temperature rises somewhat and it starts to rain after 3 pm in the whole area. Continued relatively slow southerly.

Weather forecast at 300-750 m altitude

Friday, April 1st
Light wind or almost calm in the morning. Wind speed slowly increases after noon and snowfall, or snow showers start above 500 m asl. Below 500 meters less precipitation is expected but it will be rain or sleet. Wind speed 7 – 10 m/s at 15. Similar wind speed and precipitation into the night.

Saturday, April 2nd
Southerly winds 5 – 8 m/s at 8 but winds calm slowly until noon and calm after noon. Some rain showers before noon but mostly dry and overcast in the afternoon. Temperature at the start around +3 to +5 °C and +1 to +3 at the top. Temperature will increase and rain starts at around 15 but still calm.

March 31 11:40 am

Einar Sveinbjörnsson, meteorologist MSc.

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Ágúst Atlason and his family are the family photographers of the Fossavatnsgang. All the photos they took are available on the website, where you can buy the photos in high resolution.

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