Weather forecast and waxing advice

Mr. Einar Sveinbjörnsson meteorologist has produced the following forecast: Warms up thoroughly tonight and the snow gets wet. Sleet and later rain tonight. At the same time, wind starts picking up from SSV. At 8 in the morning you can expect 10-14 m/s and the wind direction will be around 200°.

The temperature at an altitude of 500 m will be around +3°C, and +6°C in the lowlands. Partly cloudy, but probably no fog, except on the highest mountains. Rain starts decreasing from 6 in the morning and after that drizzle or rain in parts. Small changes are expected until noon. On the front page of our web you can see links to our dedicated weather stations.

Remember the backpack requirement in conditions like these. Make sure you have extra clothes that keep you warm and at least somewhat dry.

Fertilizer advice

Bobbi gives the following fertilizer advice: Sticky base. Rossa special adhesive from Rode or similar adhesive for new wet snow.

Maggi from Everest gives the following waxing advice:

Glide Option 1 – Racing:

1. Marathon (fluorine free), White.

2. Scrape and brush with a bronze or steel brush

3. TSP10 Powder

4. 1-2mm linear structure (rill)

Glide Option 2 – Economy:

1. HS10 Yellow Wax

2. Scrape and brush with a nylon brush

Grip Classic – Option 1:

1. Swix KB20 Spray spread thinly

2. Swix KN33 Very thin

3. Swix KX65 Red

Grip – Option 2 – RUB:

1. Sand Gripzone with 80 grit sandpaper

2. Swix N6C Zero Spray

Grip – Option 3 – ZERO ski:

1. Swix N6C Zero Spray

Skin Skis:

1. Swix N22 Skin Cleaner

2. Swix N20 Skin Impregnation

3. Swix N21 Skin Boost

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Ágúst Atlason and his family are the family photographers of the Fossavatnsgang. All the photos they took are available on the website, where you can buy the photos in high resolution.

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