Úr gagnagrunni Fossavatnsgöngunnar: grein í Skíðablaðinu 2024

From the Fossavatnsgangan database: an article in the 2024 local ski magazine

In the ski magazine 2024 (which can be read on Snjor.is along with all older ski magazines) there is an article with various information about the Fossavatnsgånginn database. The article begins on p. 13, but is published here for fun, slightly expanded. In addition, there has been a better understanding between...
Góð snjóalög

Good snow conditions

This is the Stone with a capital si. The stone is in Engidal, near Fossavatn, and was a landmark at the start of the walk since 1935. Since then, the walk has been extended to 50 km. the path goes from Seljalandsdal and out to Stein and back again, and is Steininn then...
Happadrætti fram að áramótum

Lottery until the end of the year

Everyone who registers to play until the end of the year will enter a pot that will be drawn in January. Two lucky participants will get free admission to the walk in 2025. It is cheaper to register early, as you can see in the price list.
Wild Westfjords er opinber ferðaskrifstofa Fossavatnsgöngunnar

Wild Westfjords is the official travel agency for Fossavatnsgangan

The Wild Westfjords travel agency is the official travel agency for the Fossavatnsgården. The travel agency offers packages for foreign visitors starting at Keflavík International Airport. A package is available from April 15 to April 22, including sightseeing, travel and accommodation....
Sértilboð frá Icelandair

Special offer from Icelandair

Icelandair offers a 10% discount on flights in connection with the Fossavatn Walk. Use the code FOSSAVATN in the period 7-13. November to book flights in the period 13-24 April 2024. See more below:
Skráning hafin fyrir 2024

Registration started for 2024

According to tradition, we open registration for the Fossavatnsgang on August 1. There is a great atmosphere for the next festival in 2024, many inquiries from abroad and we expect a fun party! Main dates: 27 March 2024 NæturFossavatn both 35 and 70 km with...
Ljósmyndir frá keppnunum 2023

Photos from 2023 races

About 2,000 photographs from the 2023 Fossavatnsgangurin have been published. They, like pictures from previous competitions, can be found on the website of Ágústs Atlason, the competition's court photographer. You can buy them in full resolution for a low price.
Viðurkenningarskjöl fyrir þátttakendur / Diplomas for participants

Recognition documents for participants / Diplomas for participants

Did you finish walking today? Congratulations! You can pick up an acknowledgment document for participating in the 2023 Fossavatn Walk by going to www.timataka.net/fossavatn2023 and clicking on your name in the appropriate category. Then the document appears with name, distance and time,...
Svissneskur og norskur sigur í Fossavatnsgöngunni

Swiss and Norwegian gold in today's Fossavatnsgangan

Fossavatnsgangan, the biggest cross-country skiing event in the country, took place on Ísafjörður today, Saturday. It was Nadja Kaelin from Switzerland and Mathias Aas Rolid from Norway who finished first in the women's and men's categories in the 50 kilometer walk. The top Icelanders in the walk were...